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Excel a Google Sheets jsou fajn - ale pro vaše online podnikání by to chtělo něco víc 2025
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Post-it lepící papírky nejsou ideální pokud chcete mít vše online a kategorizované. S přehlednou historií.
Jak si vedete tento týden? Co minulý měsíc? Sumarizace vaší nedávné aktivity je výchozí obrazovka Tasklogu.
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Účtenky a faktury nahrajte do vašeho účtu dřív než se vám na dobro ztratí pod sedačkou spolujezdce.
Detailní, automaticky generované výkazy práce. Stažené jako PDF nebo Excel ideální podklad pro další fakturu.
Založte projekty, klienty, štítky a přiřaďte je k výkazům, úkolům či výdajům. Díky tomu si můžete vyfiltrovat cokoliv kdekoliv.
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A great method to help with concentration, which I use myself, is the Pomodoro technique - i.e. work in specific periods of time. The Tomatoid application has a Pomodoro Timer, as well as many useful additional tools that will allow you to determine how much time you spend and how efficiently you work on blog tasks. Original: 🇵🇱Jak rozwijać bloga pracując jednocześnie na etacie
As well as doing the timing for you it will let you name your task, set different work periods and breaks, keep track of tasks not yet completed and add notes as you go. The ability to add notes means that if something pops into your mind while you are working on your task you can jot it down to come back to later instead of getting distracted.
One of the most striking features is the ability to indicate what task we are working on. In this way, when we have completed several Pomodoros we can see the time dedicated to each task. Totally recommended. Original: 🇪🇸3 Herramientas Online Para Mejorar TU Productividad Con La Técnica Pomodoro
A hybrid task manager and time tracker created by just one developer. As a task manager, it’s good, but completely ordinary, but in combination with a tracker, this is already a great tool for a freelancer. The only thing missing in the free tariff is a breakdown of tasks for different projects or customers. Tasklog can be used in the browser and through applications on iOS and Android. Original: 🇷🇺Как работают редакторы: инструменты, сервисы, программы
Listed under 80 services that make life easier for the editor under Scheduling time and tasks. Original: 🇷🇺80 сервисов, которые облегчат жизнь редактору
If you don’t want the hassle of setting up projects to categorize your time, try the Tasklog Timer and just commit yourself to only working on one task during a given cycle.
Top fifteen with 94% and 110 upvotes in 15 best pomobaro alternatives for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android and more. Pomobaro alternative list source: curtisrodgers.com
Hi Petr, I've been really enjoying using Tasklog for tracking my productivity. Thank you for the useful tool!
Hi Petr! My name is Alex and I am a video editor and artist. Your website has helped me immensely with focusing and managing my ADHD naturally.
Is there an easier way to make a donation? I love this app and thanks for creating it!
Love the app, I like how it alerts me even when it is in another tab. Great! :) <3
I love the app, I plan on sub'bing when the pro trial is over: I hope there are plans to support the app
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that this new backgroung changig upgrade is awesome and it keeps me calm, even during my most stressful day!
This is a great tool! I use it almost everyday, just wish it had more than 10 sessions per day...perhaps 20? so I don't have to remember at midday to start a new session. But all in all is great! thanks!!!
Like the new design, especially the option to add tasks similar to a project management tool. Had some trouble though, finding my way through the new options.
It's all new for me and it's the first time I use a tool like this but I'm finding my way through it. It seems very intuitive. Just starting but seems what i search for.
Hi. I've been using here for awhile and I really love it.
Awesome. Helps me make the most of my Pomodoros.
Hello! Thank you for a good app!
- Tasklog je nezávislý software.
Existuje od roku 2013.
Dostává pravidelné aktualizace a vylepšení. -
Provozaný konkrétním človekem - mnou
Problémy? Dotazy? Potřebujete novou funkci? Ptáte se přímo .
Žádná pomalá technická podpora nebo nedej bože chat bot. Já to naprogramoval, já to s vámi vyřeším. - Ušité na míru online profesionálům - já jsem jeden z nich.
Vaše data jsou v bezpečí a můžete si je kdykoliv stáhnout.
Nikdo kromě mě nemá přístup k serverům s daty zákazníku.
Je to za hubičku. A to vážně.
Stovka měsíčně - to vyfakturujete než dopijete kafe.
A za to máte pomocníka na celý měsíc. - 7 dní bezplatná trial verze. Nelíbí? Není problém, smažte svůj účet. Žádná zlá krev.